Today, the Moon in Taurus forms a creative aspect with Neptune in Pisces, making the day suitable for any activities in the field of art. Be wary if invited to spend money because the stars advise you to watch out for scammers.
Aries - The tension from the past few days will dissipate entirely today and your good mood will start to return. Have fun today by getting together with friends and going to a club or bar. If you are still single you may meet a suitable partner at this type of social gathering.
Taurus - Spend your Saturday at home with your family. If you haven't heard from your parents in a few days, you can surprise them and invite them over. If you've been planning to remodel your home for awhile, today is the perfect time to begin changes of the setting around you.

Gemini - If you had planned on traveling, you might encounter some difficulties today. But with more flexibility and mobilization you'll resolve the problems. The day will make some good impressions on you, don't let the little details ruin your cheerful mood for the entire day. Organize yourself well, no matter what you have planned and try to look at the positive side of whatever's happening.
Cancer - Spoil yourself without worrying about it today. Make or buy something delicious to eat, enjoy a glass of fine wine or delicious dessert. This Saturday you can remain at home and laze around in front of the TV or read a good book.
Leo - Today you'll be surrounded by people who want to give you advice on every single issue you're working on. Hear their opinion out without getting angry or snooty and arrogant. You're the one who knows the best way to successfully complete your own tasks but this doesn't give you the right to insult others.
Virgo - Today your friends will have need of your support. Don't turn your back on them if they're asking for your advice, just hear them out and give your honest opinion. Throughout this day you'll have to prove that you're a person who can be counted on. Even though you'll be burdened with your own obligations, don't show indifference to those closest to you and don't criticize them.
Libra - The day is perfect for intellectual challenges and creative activities. If you've been wanting to sign up for writing or drawing classes for a while, today is the day to do it. Take a nonstandard approach to any problems that may appear but don't be reckless, carefully assess individuals and situations.
Scorpio - Be careful with your relations with others, especially with your romantic partner or potential suitors. You may be idealizing that person, only to find out later on that you've been lying to yourself. Maintain the balance between your independence and confidence and the compromises you're forced to make for others.
Sagittarius - You'll enjoy a good mood from the morning. You won't be lacking any reasons for laughter, plus you can share your positivity with others around you. Even if troubles do appear, treat them with irony and sarcasm and they'll go away quickly. You'll infect everyone with your smile today.

Capricorn - You'll be in a compassionate mood today and have the strong desire to help everyone around you. Be honest and say what you really think to your loved ones, without trying to protect them by telling them what they want to hear. You'll forge much stronger connections if you show others that you're a person they can count on.
Aquarius - This whole day your loved ones will spoil you and try to please you any way they can. No matter how much attention you're getting, don't lose your sense of responsibility and solve your personal problems yourself, without seeking the collaboration of friends or relatives. Prove that you're an adult who's not afraid of challenges.
Pisces - Start some kind of new project today, borne of your own ideas. The day is also suitable for you to begin learning a new language, to begin writing or to draw. Creative activities will spark your interest and may reveal new sides to your character.