

What does it mean to dream of Fruit?

1. If you pick nice, ripe fruit in a dream, you will have material gains, you be better financially..

2. If you see sour, unripe or rotten fruit in your dream, health problems and damage are ahead..

3. If you are canning fruit in a dream, it means you will save money, you will accumulate wealth..

4. If you eat fruit in your dream, it means that you will act wisely in a difficult situation, you will have great success, wealth and happiness..

5. If you see fruit on a tree in your dream, then you will make your secret intentions happen..

6. If you plant fruit in your dream, you will make progress at your job..

7. If you see sour fruit in a dream, you will get sick..

8. If you see sweet fruit in your dream, happiness and wealth await you..

9. If you saw ripe fruit on a tree in a dream, something very good is ahead of you..

10. If you see a hell of a lot of fruit piled up in a dream, you will succeed in something you really wanted..

11. If you see a green fruit in a dream, you will be disappointed with the results you will get - you will have to work harder..

12. If you dreamed that you were eating rotten fruit, this is a sign of a missed opportunity for development..

13. If you are buying or selling fruit in your dream, it is possible to work very diligently over everything, but without any results..

14. If you dream that you are picking a fruit, you will reveal a secret that will benefit you..

15. If you eat or see dried fruit in your dream, then you will suffer from being extremely generous or from poverty..

16. If you eat or see citrus fruit in a dream, then you will have good cash receipts and an orderly life..

17. If you see a fruit stand with a variety of citrus fruit in it in your dream, it means that you will receive financial income that you did not expect..

18. Unripe citrus fruit are a sign of a minor deterioration in your financial situation..

19. If you dream of green plums, sorrow awaits you..

20. If the plums in your dream are blue, an unexpected illness will overtake you..

21. If they are red, you will win a sum of money very quickly..

22. If you dream of apricots, sad events await you..


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