»Dream Dictionary»Dream Dictionary Pears Fruits
PearsIf you dream of a blossomed or piled with fruit tree, they will invite you to a wedding or your family will be doing.....
PearlsTo dream that you see pearls , suggests that you will have some difficulty.......
PearlsTo dream of selling pearls , means you will lose something.......
PearlTo dream of pearl jewelry, predicts heart ache.......
FruitIf the fruit is ripe, you are ready to have an inheritance......
PearTo dream of a tree blooming with fruit , means you will have an invite to a wedding or your family will have many.......2
PeasTo dream of white podded peas , means your hard work will be rewarded.......
Citrus fruitsDreaming that you see a citrus fruit , suggests that you will have good cash and a settled life.......
PeaceTo dream of lasting peace , suggests that you may be full of trouble.......
PeachTo dream of a peach blossom, indicates that you are courting.......
Dried fruitTo dream that you eat, or that you see dried fruit , signifies family happiness and good health.......
Fruit Treespersistence and work, you will see the fruits of your labor.......
Fruit TreeIf you plant a fruit tree or you are in an orchard in a dream, then you will see the results of your labor, you will.....
Dried fruitDreaming that you eat or see dried fruit , suggests that you are suffering from the fact that you are extremely generou...
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