To find out what numerology has in store for you this week, you need to calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth.
The numbers 11 and 22 must not be added together because they are already karmic numbers according to numerology and bring additional opportunities, as well as responsibilities.
Keep adding up the digits until you get a single digit number or 11 or 22. For example, if you were born on July 20, 1953, add up the digits of the day - 2+0=2, month number 7, and finally the digits of the year - 1+9+5+3=9.
In this case, the personal number is the sum between 2, 7 and 9, which gives us 18. Add 1+8 one final time and the result is the single digit 9.
1. Don't run from your feelings
You're going to be emotionally limited this week. Stakes may be particularly high when it comes to true love. Some may become lovers, without revealing their inner soul. Tenderness and honesty maintain true closeness in any relationship. Let go of your temper and desire to constantly dominate. If you don't, you're only going to be running away from your feelings, which you should not do. Listen more and speak less.
2. Those who are different are not necessarily your enemies
Attitude is everything this week. It's important to feel safe, in order to be fully confident and open. There may be misunderstandings due to unrealistic expectations. Some may be overly demanding, born out of the feeling of insecurity. Do everything possible to be less judgmental and to open your heart to kids, relatives and those you work with. Don't see differences in opinion as a personal threat.
3. Optimistic unifiers - that's you
You're going to feel caught in the trap between the desire to believe that your dreams can come true and your need to be realistic or even skeptical. Be patient and watch how things work themselves out. It's always better to be an optimist than expect the worst. Before you is a period in which you'll have to unify others. Take interest in your friends and their activities. You don't need to do anything miraculous for them to appreciate you.
4. You're building a more beautiful world
You're enjoying a powerful energy that's going to help you develop your relations. Surround yourself with charming and worry-free individuals. Make sure that they share your creative interests. It's going to be easy to convince others to help you in building a more beautiful world. Starting Thursday, you'll be able to have a realistic retrospect of past events. A past love is going to shake the foundations of your world.
5. Sharing your troubles is half the battle
Expect a very romantic and emotionally satisfying week. Enjoyable conversations with people, even ones you don't know that well, are going to help you feel better. Don't be afraid to share your worries with reliable people, who have proven their worth. It's particularly important to face life's challenges calmly and boldly. Worry is your enemy. Everything that encourages quite and creative thought is going to help you make the best decisions.
6. A simple life is a happier one
This week, more is less. Don't expect perfection from yourself, nor others. An excessively demanding attitude brings resentment and ruins moods. Do everything you can to decrease the amount of obligations you have and to simplify your life. If your standards are overly high, your fear of failure may leave you too afraid to try anything new. The weekend is suitable for outings and walks.
7. Stare straight ahead boldly
You delight in the energy that's going to rearrange your life within the boundaries of the week. The key thing is that you're handling everything yourself. Don't be overly demanding or aggressive. Physical challenges and mental trials are an excellent way out for you, even if they're not your style. The insufficiency of cosmic energies may manifest as a feeling of fear or panic. Don't allow every little insecurity to control your actions or thoughts.
8. Romance is in the air
You're going to have a lot of fun with your favorite person this week. Love is in the air. You're tolerant and aren't blaming them, even when they mess up everything. The universe is sending you passionate and romantic energy. If you're single, spend more time with your friends. Chances are high that you'll meet a new, remarkable person. If you're unhappy about something, think about what you need to do in order to change the situation. There's nothing wrong with talking about what you need.
9. Realize what the truly important things are
You're going to feel in over your head with responsibilities this week. Don't let caring for your outer appearance eat up all of your time. Others will appreciate you as a whole, not just your sense of fashion or eye-catching wealth. Children and pets can help you realize what's most important in life. Relax, play more and take a breather under the warm sunlight - it's the only way you won't go wrong.
11. Interpersonal relationships are the most valuable things in life
You're going to enjoy the growth of certain important friendships, even if the subject is business, not personal relationships. Take advantage of every opportunity of being in the company of people who share similar interests to yours. You're getting messages nonstop. Use the net more than you usually do. Even if you're busy, set aside time to discover and enjoy the little things. Contact with friends and relatives is one of the things that give life meaning.
22. Chaos brings a new beginning
Your life is going to do a complete 180. You begin your week with attempts to put things in order. Be patient if the situation seems uncertain or stressful. Honest conversations are more important that having everything in order. The act of organizing others borders the impossible. Don't rush and don't give commands, even when the situation requires it. Otherwise, you risk being labeled as authoritative and all because you had just tried to help.