You're going to have a dynamic day, during which you're better off not making any big promises to your partner or to the person you intend to begin a relationship with. Also don't rush to make any serious plans because things can change at the last minute. It's highly likely you learn an important piece of news today or receive an unexpected phone call from a person you're interested in.
Aries - Those of you who work well with foreign languages are going to have the opportunity to impress the opposite sex today. But if you lack these skills, unfortunately, you're not going to have much success on the love front.
Taurus - Today non-single Taureans are going to successfully manage to demonstrate their superiority to their competitors and once again make their partner feel satisfied with the decision that they're with them. Single Taureans are going to be the center of attention today. Expect compliments and dating invitations from people who have until recently not demonstrated any interest toward you.

Gemini - Expect a very tumultuous day. You'll likely get into a conflict with their partner in the morning hours. But later the friction between you will settle down and peace will once again reign in your relationship. Single Geminis need to seriously think about their views on life. It is likely that because of them they're having trouble in love.
Cancer - For some reason your partner will be avoiding you today. They'll probably prefer to go out with friends or relatives in the evening, rather than with you. The stars advise you not to overlook their behavior and figure out as soon as possible what the reason behind it is. Single Cancers have become extremely distrustful toward the opposite sex and this is a serious obstacle between them and people they are actually compatible with.
Leo - If you want to impress the opposite sex, don't imitate others. Be more confident in yourself and don't be afraid to show yourself as you are in reality. The right partner will appreciate your genuineness and accept it without any reservations.
Virgo - You feel that you know your partner so well that you can easily predict every eventual move they're going to make. But today you're going to realize that you're not exactly 100% correct. By the end of the day the person by your side is going to serve you up a huge surprise. Single Virgos should prepare for trouble today. You're likely going to realize that a person you communicate with from time to time has a strong interest toward someone other than you.
Libra - Your excessive extravagance today is going to shock your partner and irritate them. This will become a reason for them to once again highlight that the 2 of you are not suited for each other at all. Single Libras are so swamped with work that they don't see the twinkle in their coworker's eyes. There's a chance for a suitable partner to be located just a few desks away from you.

Scorpio - Today your partner is going to try to make up for past faults by having a pleasant surprise for you. Expect beautiful and very passionate moments. Single Scorpios who intend to go out today need to pick out their clothes very carefully. Avoid clothes that present you in a light not characteristic of you. Otherwise, you'll attract very unsuitable counterparts.
Sagittarius - Today you'll notice with amazement that your feelings toward your partner are stronger than ever. You're going to have a passionate evening that you're going to remember with a sigh for a long time to come. It's highly likely for single Sagittarii to become an object of others' jealousy today. A person from your social circle, who is experiencing strong feelings toward you, may express irritability when they see you flirting with another person.
Capricorn - Don't rush things. Let things happen naturally, when their time comes. Otherwise, there's a danger of something going wrong or not happening exactly the way you had imagined.
Aquarius - Today the stars advise you to pay more attention to your appearance. Change up your hairstyle and renew your summer wardrobe. With this new summer image you'll be irresistible for the opposite sex.
Pisces - When making important decisions about your love life today, don't seek the advice of your friends, instead listen to your intuition. Unfortunately, others' experience isn't going to be beneficial to you today, their guidance might only confuse you even more.