
Husband, Wife

What does it mean to dream of Husband, Wife?
Husband, Wife

1. If you talk or see your wife or husband in your dream, then you will have a quarrel or your relationship with them will deteriorate..

2. If you dream that you are someone's husband or wife, then you will have trouble with relatives..

3. If you have a husband or wife in your dream, then you will have a change in your house, you will have a new member in your family..

4. If you see in your dream how your wife and your friend are hiding behind a wall, you will be called to work duty or a mission..

5. If you fight with your husband or wife in a dream, this is a sign that you will strengthen your marriage..

6. If you fight with your husband or wife in a dream, this portends an illness..

7. If you make love to your spouse in your dream, expect to hear about a lot of slander against you..

8. If you fight with your wife in a dream, this may be a sign of an upcoming separation or a big family quarrel..

9. If you share jewelry in a dream with your wife, this portends separation..

10. If you dream that your wife is sleeping with an unknown man, you may lose a large amount of money..

11. If you see your wife pregnant in your dream, it is possible to find out about infidelity on her part..

12. If you dreamed of an ex-husband or wife, expect a new member in your family soon..

13. If you see your wife in a dream wearing a transparent dress, she may soon become pregnant or give birth..

14. If you eat together with your husband or wife in a dream, this portends a good omen..

15. If you dream that you have a drunk husband or wife, troubles and quarrels are ahead..

16. If your wife beats you in your dream, this is a very bad sign..

17. If you dream that your spouse is dying, this is a warning that serious financial troubles may await you or your family is threatened by family drama..

18. If your deceased husband or wife appears in your dream, he or she probably wants to warn you about something that threatens you..


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