If you're a fan of exotic destinations or have dreamed your whole life of touching the vastness of the universe - this next offer was made for you. They've calculated the amount of money for a trip to space. It comes out to $250 000.
Two years ago, the company known as CosmoCourse announced the beginning of its program for developing the 1st Russian suborbital, reusable spacecraft. It's planned for use in space tourism beginning in 2025.
The private Russian company has already planned its 1st flight with tourists on board. The director general of the company, Pavel Pushkin, has announced the company's plans for the 1st test flight of the rocket and suborbital spacecraft scheduled for the year 2023. 2 years later they expect to have the 1st tourists in spaceflight. Testing of the rocket and launching capsule is scheduled to begin in 2022.
The entire program, from the start of the project to the 1st tourist flight will ultimately cost the company between $150-200 million. It will become profitable 7 to 10 years after the 1st commercial launch.

CosmoCourse's unique innovation is essentially like a reusable toolkit. It consists of an 80 ton rocket and spacecraft with a mass of 7 tons. The crew on board is to consist of 6 tourists and 1 pilot.
Each ticket is going to cost $250 000. The rocket will take the tourists to an altitude of 124 mi (180-220 km) and last about 14 min. Sign ups have already begun.