

What does it mean to dream of Knife?

1. If you see a dull or broken knife in your dream, this predicts treachery and deception..

2. If you cut yourself with a knife in a dream, it is possible to lose a close person..

3. If you find a knife in your dream, you will have an enemy - be careful..

4. If you dreamed of a dirty and dull knife, you will be slandered by a person very dear to you..

5. If you dream that you are carrying a knife, this is a sign of some negative energy accumulated in you..

6. If you see a knife in a dream, an enmity awaits you..

7. If you dream of a pocket knife, it means that you were mistaken in something, and an automatic knife is a warning not to explode and not to enter into unnecessary conflicts..

8. If someone gives you a knife in a dream, they will challenge you..

9. If you are stabbed with a knife in your dream, you will be healthy, but you will suffer disappointments..

10. If you sharpen a knife in your dream, you will have success among the opposite sex..

11. If you dream of an empty scabbard, false hopes or false promises await you..

12. If you buy a knife in a dream - financial problems await you..

13. If a familiar person gives you a knife in a dream, be careful with them - they may actually turn out to be your enemy..

14. If you are a high-ranking person and you dream of a knife being attacked with a knife, be on the lookout for conspiracies that could lead to a fatal outcome..

15. If a woman is stabbed with a knife in a dream, this portends her fame or is a sign that she will have a male child..

16. If a man dreams that a friend hurts him with a knife in a dream, then more new friendships await him..

17. If the knife in your dream is rusty, then a loved one is lying to you..


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