»Dream Dictionary»Murder, Murdering

Murder, Murdering

What does it mean to dream of Murder, Murdering?
Murder, Murdering

1. When you dream that you are killing a person, it is a sign that you have built up tension that threatens to explode..

2. If you dreamed that you deliberately kill a person, this is indicative of your character - you are used to getting things, without making any effort..

3. When you kill a person in your dream, it means that you will try to take advantage of someone else's efforts..

4. If you dream of being killed, then you are about to make your intentions happen..

5. If you see a murder in a dream, then you will experience a change that you do not like..

6. If someone tries to kill you in your dream, then you will be healthy, you will have strength for work and longevity..

7. If you dream that someone is killing insects, then you can trust the assistance of friends at work..

8. If you kill insects in a dream, then you are about to deal with your troubles alone..

9. If you kill animals in a dream, it means that you repel both enemies and friends from you..

10. If you talk to or see a murderer in your dream, then you will allow yourself to be used..

11. If you dream that you commit suicide, then your future days are uncertain and restless, and if someone commits suicide in your dream, it is a sign that you yourself are to blame for your failures..

12. If you dream of murdered people, it means that you are an emotionally unstable person and very soon you will lose your temper..

13. If you see yourself as a murderer in a dream, you are about to be unfairly accused of something, and if someone else in your dream is a murderer, sufferings and great sorrow await them..


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