

What does it mean to dream of Train?

1. If you see a moving train in your dream, it means that you are about to enjoy success and the fruits of a job well done..

2. If you dream of a train, which isn't moving, then your work is at a standstill..

3. If you are traveling in a train in a dream, then you are in for a rapid development. It could mean that you will be cheated, you should beware or you have an unfulfilled desire..

4. If you miss a train in a dream, then you will miss your luck and a big chance..

5. If you see yourself in a dream that you are traveling in a first class train, then an expensive purchase or gift is ahead of you..

6. If you travel in a first-class train, but without a ticket, in a dream, then you are lying to yourself and others, and if you travel in a second-class train, then you need to get rid of your complexes..

7. If you saw in your dream that a train ran over a person, then you need to share your worries and thoughts with someone, because otherwise you will burden yourself even more and become depressed..

8. If in your dream you are rushing for a train, it means that you are about get some news, and if you dream that you are running very fast after a train and with a lot of effort, then you are behind in your job..

9. If you dream that you are involved in a train accident, it means that you will fail in your endeavors..

10. If you are waiting for a train at a station in a dream, you will have problems in your relationship or relationship with someone..

11. If you see a train with many waggons in a dream, you will take a trip during which you may get slightly ill, but you will get better, and the trip will be crowned with success..

12. If you see a train passing you in a dream, you will not realize your plans..

13. If you dream that you see or play with a train, this may be a sign that your loved one will go on a journey and this will bring you a lot of grief and sadness..

14. If you are playing with a train in your dream, it may be a sign that you are subconsciously trying to escape from adult responsibilities..

15. If you dream of a freight train, it means the manifestation of a desire and its achievement..


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