»Articles»Read Your Horoscope for Today - September 28

Read Your Horoscope for Today - September 28


The Moon enters Virgo today, which is why it's important to stick to the facts if you find yourself having to decide on crucial issues. Focus only on the things that can be beneficial.

Aries - Don't rush to share your ideas with others today; first determine how likely they are to become reality. Right now it's key to act in accordance with reality, to avoid losing the support of coworkers or friends. Today you're not going to have the required courage to act alone, so try to win others over to your cause.

Taurus - Today you're going to be torn between your romantic fantasies and current status on the love front. You lack the necessary motivation to act quickly but through gentle communication with the other person you're going to manage to find a solution you'll both be satisfied with. Don't take on anything new at work, instead stick to your old plans.

Gemini - Prepare for conflicts today because others aren't going to have a tendency to carry out your wishes. It's likely that you yourself aren't feeling good with the flood of tasks you have to get done but don't try to force others to take your spot at work. Throughout the day you're going to feel your confidence and authority wobble but don't give in to the emotions, instead concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Cancer - Invest more effort today to get in shape both in the physical sense and at work. Even though you'll be tempted to spend the entire day lazing about, in the process of enjoying your tasty food you're going to have to mobilize and focus on professional engagements. Only if you're more hardworking and energetic will you realize your goals.

Leo - Today is not the day to make radical life-altering decisions, instead stay close to old habits. Even if you believe you have the right information to keep moving forward, it's better to give yourself time and decide whether the idea is in fact good enough. Be wise and patient, in order to realize your greatest dreams.


Virgo - Today you're going to have to be more responsible toward family issues and keep your promises to those closest to you. Use your imagination and try to slowly, bit by bit, make good on your word. Set ambitious goals at work, to avoid the routine. You're going to have the right opportunities to get ahead at work.

Libra - Despite the fact that your ideas aren't being realized very quickly, don't lose hope. Continue to work with perseverance and dedication, as you have so far, and very soon you'll notice the first results of your efforts. You have to exhibit more patience while pursuing your goals but at the end you'll be proud of your achievements.

Scorpio - Today you're going to have to take more drastic actions in order to maintain your soundness at work or your personal life. Forget about some of your fantasies and keep reality in mind, so you don't lose the products of your hard work. You also have to be more honest with others and reveal some truths, no matter how unpleasant they may seem.

Sagittarius - You'll have to revise some of your old plans today and give up on the ones where there's no progress. This will allow you to focus your energy in a way that will provide you better everyday benefits. Analyze the information and people around you throughout the day, so you can determine who you'd be able to trust in times of need in the future.

Capricorn - You're going to have plenty of energy and opportunities to realize your old goals but you're still going to feel a certain uncertainty because things will seem too unclear and because you're afraid to take risks. Don't hesitate, just follow your dreams and remember you can always seek out friends to inspire you with the necessary enthusiasm.


Aquarius - Watch out for deception and trickery today, especially when it comes to issues related to money. Get a rein on your excessively idealistic approach toward the world today because someone may take advantage and hurt your emotional and financial stability. Stay true to your old plans and don't take up anything new.

Pisces - You may be offered extra work today, that comes with additional income, but don't accept it if you're not sure whether you'll be able to meet the deadline. Don't let your enthusiasm steer you blindly, instead decide reasonably whether you can handle the challenges or not. Your honesty is going to do you a big favor.
